I Am Tired of this Game
I feel cheated. I’ve only been playing this game for twenty years, so of course it consumed most of that time frame to become privy to the rules. It’s fair to say that at least a few years must pass before one fully understands how to play, and the right way to go about it. I understand the rules better than most now, and yet it seems that those who have been playing the longest are cheating. They are swerving the rules and leaving a wake of destruction, they have even begun to tilt the board.
They are not unlike a small child, a small child that does not fully understand the game nor does he wish to play with the others unless he can win. To the other players it seems as if this temper tantrum, this throwing of the pieces, is nothing but pure immaturity. In the other player’s minds there is no strategy or purpose to such an action. The child however, has actually gotten his way. He didn’t want to play, and did not want to follow the rules. Of course he flipped the board and threw the pieces across the room. He might as well have tossed it all out the window, because now no one can play or win. This child controls the situation.
The New World Order is not unlike a child. These elitists, these bankers of the world are nothing if not cheaters. They have been here the longest, playing the game. They know how to circumnavigate the rules to their advantage, and when it comes time they know when to flip the board to their advantage. There is no competition when you erase the game and create your own set of rules. They create their own guidelines to play by, and they tell the other players that it’s all part of the rules.
I’ve seen the rule book, I have seen the instructions and I know how to play. I’m tired of being cheated. It’s our right, as human beings to play the game by the rules. We must check the book, check the instructions that came in the box and let the cheaters know what we think about the way they play. I’m tired of being the loser in this charade, it can’t go on any longer.
Of course I speak in the non-literal, in reality and when it comes down to it, this is more than a game. This is our lives, this is our freedom and our rights. It’s a game to the globalists, no doubt about that. This is a game they play, and they do so in whatever way best benefits their cause. So sure, I AM tired. I’m tired of being treated this way. I’m tired of being stepped on, and seeing this game of Life turn into a game of Monopoly. I’m tired of seeing the transformation from Monopoly into a full out game of Battleship/Risk. I’m tired of them blowing our rights out of the water and continuing on to global domination just like they have always planned.
I may be tired of a great many things, but I don’t want to sleep. They want us to sleep, they want us to get tired and sleep. I am tired, but I want to fight. I want to rebel, I want to let them know that we will not play ANY more of their games. I don’t care what the rules are because I won’t play at this anymore. We must kick the New World Order pigs out of the circle. They ARE NOT allowed to play anymore. They are cheaters, they are liars and no longer should be making the rules.
We are change, and we can make a difference. We are millions playing against a few. They have their armies, but we ARE our own army. We must increase the efforts of waking up the rest of the players. We must wake as many people as we can before it’s too late for them. We can’t save them all, and we can’t inform them all but every extra mind helps. I’m tired of doing nothing, I’m tired and that gives me strength.
I am Change. You are Change.
-Matthew Pizgatti
i think this blog is very informative though.http://www.bandeirantes.org