Psychics, palm readers, mediums and the like.
If anything, these people usually disprove any real psychic evidence I might have believed in before. IT seems that as I learn more about magic and mentalism I just find myself drawing away from the so called paranormal for anything other than inspiration for a trick. It all just seems like such and act. Its cold reading…statistics…and being able to judge the person accurately and tell them about themselves. Tarot cards? Palm readers? Crystal ball even. Are you talking to the dead, or are you a well trained mentalist/magician? I’ve gone as far as to throw these techniques into my magic. So I guess I respect them for the way they are able to so easily manipulate and fool the people, but I don’t like them taking advantage of others in distress or in a grieving state when they are most vulnerable. Its not right. I still am not sure what to believe…I see something like “paranormal” and I say “psh…I can do that”.